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Ketchum Eyecenter

Ketchum Eyecenter has been a leading provider of optometry services and vision care products in the Ketchum community since 1988, and we want to help you achieve and maintain clear vision for years to come.

Our experienced eye doctors offer comprehensive vision examinations at our Ketchum optometry office and specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of a wide array of eye diseases, conditions, and problems. We use advanced diagnostic technology and vision correction products and are committed to improving the quality of life of persons in the Ketchum community through enhanced vision. Give yourself the gift of clear vision – schedule an appointment with us today!

  • Dr. Kyle Williams

    Dr. Williams was born in Glasgow, Montana and raised in Cody, Wyoming. He went to the University of Wyoming for his undergraduate studies and graduate with honors with his Doctor of Optometry degree from Pacific University in 2005. He is a member of the American Optometric Association and the Idaho Optometric Physicians Association. Dr. Williams is past president and current member of the Hailey Kiwanis Club. Dr. Williams' special interests include ocular disease and pathology, geriatric vision care, and specialty contact lens fitting. Dr. Williams enjoys spending time with his family, water and snow skiing, fishing, camping, hunting, and running.

  • Dr. James Davis

    Dr. Davis was born in Omak, Washington. He graduated from the University of Nevada, Reno, with a degree in Pre-Med in 1989. He received his Doctor of Optometry degree from Pacific University in 1994. Dr. Davis is a member of the American Optometric Association and the Idaho Optometric Physicians Association. He is active in the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and is a member of Sportsman for Fish and Wildlife. His interests include golf, hunting, fishing, and spending time with family.

  • Dr. Kory Shaw

    We are proud to have Dr. Kory Shaw within our practice! He joined the practice in 2020! Dr. Shaw was born in Idaho Falls, Idaho. When he was 12 years old he moved to Shelley, Idaho. After high school, Kory served a two year LDS mission in South Africa. Upon returning to the states, he studied Exercise Physiology at BYU- Idaho. He then attended optometry school at SCCO in Southern California, where he obtained his Doctor of Optometry degree in 2020.

    Dr. Shaw is a member of the Idaho Optometric Physicians and the American Optometric Association. He enjoys pediatrics, ocular disease, and primary care. Dr. Shaw also has a special interest in myopia control- he knows first hand how it is to be very near-sighted. In his free time, Dr. Shaw likes travel/explore, fly his drone, and spend time with his wife and his three kiddos.

  • Dr. Nate

    Dr. Katherine Grill Nate

    Dr. Katherine Grill Nate joined the practice in 2015, and is the daughter of Dr. Robert Grill! Dr. Nate was born in Jerome, Idaho. At the age of 6, her family moved to Twin Falls where she was raised. After high school, Katherine received an Associate’s Degree from the College of Southern Idaho, and then graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Physiology from Boise State University. In 2011, she and her husband moved to Texas where she attended the University of Houston College of Optometry. In May of 2015 she obtained her Doctor of Optometry degree and relocated home to southern Idaho to join her dad and his partners in practice.

    Dr. Nate is a member of the Idaho Optometric Physicians and is currently serving as the Southeast regional director, and she is also a member of the American Optometric Association. She has special interests in contact lens fittings, the management of vision and ocular health, and the treatment of disease. She also has a background in Spanish. In her spare time, Dr. Nate enjoys spending time with her husband and their two children- Ella and Leo, and she loves to do anything that involves sunshine.