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What We’re Doing For the Corona Virus

In light of the current circumstances, we want to reassure you that our medical facility is prepared and ready to continue serving our community, and providing medical services to those in need. Our dedicated team has taken appropriate preventative safety measures to protect you and our staff.

Please know that we are monitoring this situation closely and will continue to sanitize our clinic thoroughly and consistently. While we remain open, we would like to encourage you to call our clinic if you have any questions about our services. We will continue to update you with any changes moving forward.

We are committed to supporting our community in the safest way possible, and we thank you for continuing to support local businesses like ours.


We are using the very best practices available to minimize any exposure.

The health and safety of our patients is our number one priority at all times


  • Washing our Hands frequently (20 seconds minimum)
  • Using Hypochlorous Acid in between hand-washing and after each patient encounter
  • Using Hypochlorous Acid disinfectant on knobs, counters, frames, desks, etc. multiple times per day
  • Disinfecting frames after handling & using disposable cleaning cloths and wipes to clean glasses
  • Requiring any staff person feeling ill, with fever or cough to stay home


  • Use Pure & Clean Spray before using Check In Items
  • Wash Hands or use Pure & Clean before handling glasses or magazines
  • If you have a FEVER, FEEL ILL OR HAVE A COUGH, Please let us know, text us or call to reschedule your visit.